

Posted by karios on October 28, 2010
Development, Web / No Comments

I’ve built e-pnyka.gr using PHP and MySQL technologies from the ground up. The design and graphics have been done by Ilias Sounas (www.sounasdesign.com). The website a discussion and think tank about current events and the social/political situation in Greece and abroad.



Posted by karios on October 28, 2010
Development, Web / No Comments

I’ve helped finish bankit.gr which is an arts site, helping out my friend Marietta Fafouti, who is also an excellent composer and artist. I’ve used PHP and MySQL technologies to work on top of what the previous developer has done, which didn’t give me the full freedom I would have wanted to build this the right way. I’ve also used existing artwork, and I hoped for the best. The website turned out ok in the end, and it is being used daily by hundreds of artists of all crafts. I’ve also configured the forum section of the website.



Posted by karios on October 28, 2010
Development, Web / No Comments

I’ve built videatro.gr from the ground up in just a few months. The website is built using PHP and MySQL technologies and the artwork is done by Design Pleasure. The website is about theaters in Athens, Greece and provides information about new shows, actors, directors etc. It contains heavy use of youtube embedded videos and is updated constantly using a build-in administration suite. I’ve also configured a forum for the same website using the opensource phpbb platform.
