In a few days, there will be a very nice review for MonsterUp on We will update this to provide the link, but for now, enjoy the video:
The Windows Phone 7 games site held a vote for best game of january 2011 and after a close battle, MonsterUp took first place:) Go check the article here:
With 77 votes out of a total 275 votes that is 28% of voters liked Monster Up. With some great graphics and music along with some nice twist to the doodle jump gameplay we are happy to have Monster Up by KariosGames as our very first Game of the Month.
They are also mentioning the new version, 1.4 which we have described below. Did you guys get it yet? :)
Go to the Marketplace on your phone and get it now! Online scoreboards, an extra platform and monster voices are in this new free update for all you guys to enjoy today!