Version 1.7 of MonsterUp will bring a new game mode, called the Dynamic Game Mode. This mode will put the monsters, literally, in the center of the action. Take a look!
Version 1.7 of MonsterUp will bring a new game mode, called the Dynamic Game Mode. This mode will put the monsters, literally, in the center of the action. Take a look!
Yesterday there was a problem with people playing MonsterUp, which has resulted in some discomfort among them. The problem was due a small hiccup in our server, which resulted the game to try to get the online highscores all the time, which in turn resulted in lag in the game. The online problem of course did not affect gamers playing offline. We have fixed the problem and in the next update we will provide a fix that will prevent such problems from happening again, although it is unlikely that they will anyway.
Thanx for your feedback on that, and keep enjoying going up, up, up and away with those cute little monsters!
And we forgot to include the changelog in the official description:) No matter, it’s on the previous blog post anyway!
Enjoy and don’t forget to send us feedback as always to!