According to the lovely site over at Xyologic, the ranking for our games are really good. With over 31.000 downloads overall and more than 1400 just in December 2011 we are ranked at place 1271! We are leaders in both the platformer and shooter categories having an app at places 23 and 39 respectively.
All the above info and more, here.
Nokia Windows Phones have been around for no more than a few months. There are markets that have just started to see Nokia WP handsets, while the first up-to-par handset (the Lumia 900) is yet to be on the shelves.
Nokia is well known for its capacity to provide good quality handsets and the know-how of promoting them. So how are the first handsets accepted by the people? While we don’t have any concrete numbers for the sales (there are rumors that Nokia has shipped – not sold – about 1.5 million Lumias so far) we do have some usage information from MonsterUp and Galaxium for you, just to get a feel of what is going on.
Below, you can see two pie charts. One is the overall percentage of manufacturers since the beginning (which is January 2011 for MonsterUp and July 2011 for Galaxium). The second one is the percentage since 1/1/2012, so a little less than one month. I think the trends show up quite nicely. HTC is still the dominant Windows Phone manufacturer with Samsung taking the second place. LG seems to be losing the 3rd place to Nokia, at least with our data. Also, notice that all manufacturers are losing percentages apart from Nokia who has increased its percentage. Of course, we are comparing apples with oranges here, but I think this trend will continue.
(click on charts for bigger versions)
By the way, as a side note, we have seen out first ZTE device playing our games (not included in the data above)!
Posted by admin
on January 24, 2012
Windows Phone /
1 Comment
As promised, the new version of MonsterUp Lite, while still free of charge, will allow unlimited gameplay with Rhin-O in the Countryside. Of course, Rhin-O does not have any special powers and you are still not allowed to post your high scores to VortexLink, but you still have the (really cheap nowadays) full version of MonsterUp as well.
By the way, the next update of both MonsterUp and MonsterUp lite is going to be awesome. After one year, we discovered a fundamental issue with the game that we never noticed before.